The Flames of Civil War
Most of the Star Wars RPG campaigns that I've seen are written from the point of view that the players are a group of mere adventures who just happened to have thrown their hats in with the rebellion. None were written from the perspective of the players being active members of the military wing of The Alliance to Restore the Republic. I wanted to write something that set the players as military personal in the galactic civil war. The change in scope and atmosphere is vast, the players are no longer the masters of their own fates who just happen to agree and aid a ragtag band of freedom fighter, but they are those guerillas, take orders and march to war like any soldier. It makes for a vastly different experience.
A brief introduction to the military theme
"It is a period of civil war..."
The opening scrawl of first Star Wars films sets the tone of the universe in its opening sentence. It is not a time of guerilla war, or of a clandestine secret war. A civil war by its very definition implies a schism so great that entire territories have split. That both sides, the legitimate government, and rebels opposing it, have control of portions of the state. There are battle lines. There are opposing armies facing off. One side may be under-strengthed, hiding in difficult or inaccessible terrain, but both sides have armies fighting for control of all the territories.
The thrust of this campaign is from a military perspective. The characters are members of the military wing of the Alliance to Restore the Democracy. As members of the army or navy they will have access to weapons, ships, equipment, and personnel that a group of adventurers might not. They'll have rank and authority to command units in battle, request aid when things go poorly, and plan out vast plans of attack. These things come with a price however. Soldiers must obey their chain of command, follow orders, and engage only in very specific rules of engagement. Playing as a member of the military comes with access to pools of resources players would have to work hard for as mere adventures. It places the players within an organization whose sole existence is to support their efforts at wresting control away from the Imperium. And at the same time places restrictions upon them that many players are not used to dealing with. They take orders from their superiors. Their immediate goals may be chosen for them. Their choice of actions will be seriously restricted. And yet as they advance through the campaign they will become the ones solely responsible for liberating an entire sector.
It’s an environment that many players may find as alien as any of the worlds they visit.
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Military Organization
Breakdown of militaries and how they work (sort of)
Military Organization
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Dahlia Sector
A guide to the Dahlia Sector
Dahlia Sector
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The heroes and villains of the Dahlia Sector
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What happens if the players don't
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Special forces means special operations
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Special Rules
Diplomacy, Economics, and Mass Combat
Special Rules
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